RAVENOL Vakuumpumpenoel ISO VG 32

Category: Industrial oil
Item number: 1330704
Viscosity: 32
Oil type: Mineral
Application: Industry

RAVENOL Vakuumpumpenoel ISO VG 32 is optimum alloyed and high level performance industrial oil with a wide range of applications throughout the industry. It is characterized by good viscosity-temperature behavior, high resistance to aging and reliable corrosion protection. Effective additives ensure even under extreme loads an excellent wear protection. Neutral behavior towards sealing materials.

Application Note

RAVENOL Vakuumpumpenoel ISO VG 32 is suitable for the lubrication of vacuum pumps (rotary vane pumps, diffusion pumps, turbo pumps), where mineral oils are required, as well as for mist lubrication and crankcase.

RAVENOL Vakuumpumpenoel ISO VG 32 oil can be used very well for the lubrication of crankcases.


  • High performance level
  • Very good viscosity-temperature behavior
  • High resistance to aging
  • Excellent wear protection
  • Reliable corrosion protection
  • Neutral to seal materials

Technical Product Data

Density at 20 °Ckg/m³848,0EN ISO 12185
Viscosity at 100 °Cmm²/s5,8DIN 51562-1
Viscosity at 40 °Cmm²/s32,1DIN 51562-1
Viscosity Index VI123DIN ISO 2909
Pourpoint°C-30DIN ISO 3016
Flashpoint°C224DIN EN ISO 2592
FZG-Test A/8.3/90 Damage loading step%wt.12DIN 51354/2

All indicated data are approximate values and are subject to the commercial fluctuations.

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