RAVENOL Turbinenoel T 46

Category: Industrial oil
Item number: 1330355
Viscosity: 46
Oil type: Mineral
Application: Industry

RAVENOL Turbinenöl T 46 is produced for the lubrication of gas and steam turbines as well as turbo compressors with and without transmission according to the specifications of DIN 51 515-2.

RAVENOL Turbinenöl T 46 is based on high quality mineral base oils with agents to increase the corrosion protection and aging resistance.

RAVENOL Turbinenöl T 46 is a universal mineral oil for turbines of especially chosen refined base oils with a natural high viscosity index. So-called “metal deactivators” are added to the turbine oil in addition to the normal additives in order to guarantee the excellent characteristics.

Application Note

RAVENOL Turbinenöl T 46 is used in fixed gas and steam turbines as well as electrical machines or machines driven by steam turbines like generators, compressors, pumps and transmissions.

RAVENOL Turbinenöl T 46 can also be used for the lubrication of hydraulic systems, compressors, gear transfers and bearings in case of problems of the contamination with water because a high protection against rust and oxidation is requested.


  • an excellent thermic and oxidative stability
  • an excellent viscosity temperature behaviour
  • a high and stable viscosity index
  • a very good oxidation stability also at very high temperatures
  • a good protection against corrosion of Ferro and non Ferro metals
  • an excellent water separation behaviour
  • a very good air separation behaviour which excludes foam formation as far as possible
  • a low pourpoint
  • a good corrosion behaviour
  • an excellent water separation behaviour / demulsifying behaviour

Technical Product Data

Density at 20 °Ckg/m³859,0EN ISO 12185
Viscosity at 100 °Cmm²/s7,0DIN 51562-1
Viscosity at 40 °Cmm²/s45,5DIN 51562-1
Viscosity Index VI111DIN ISO 2909
Pourpoint°C-27DIN ISO 3016

All indicated data are approximate values and are subject to the commercial fluctuations.

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