RAVENOL Calibration Fluid

Category: Industrial oil
Item number: 1350130
Specification: ISO 4113, SAE J 967D
Application: Industry

RAVENOL Calibration Fluid is is a test fluid for the calibration of diesel injection pumps and as a corrosion preventive oil for the internal preservation of fuel systems.

Application Note

RAVENOL Calibration Fluid is used as a test fluid for the calibration of diesel injection pumps and as a corrosion preventive oil for the internal preservation of fuel systems.


  • Excellent wear protection
  • Excellent corrosion protection
  • Low tendency to foam

Technical Product Data

Density at 20 °Ckg/m³823,0EN ISO 12185
Viscosity at 40 °Cmm²/s2,53DIN 51562-1
Pourpoint°C-39DIN ISO 3016
Flashpoint (PM)°C120DIN EN ISO 2719
tbnmg KOH/g0,1ASTM D2896

All indicated data are approximate values and are subject to the commercial fluctuations.

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