RAVENOL Nitro-Universal-Verdünnung

Category: Car care products
Item number: 1360127

RAVENOL Nitro-Universal-Verdünnung is a high-quality solvent mixture with high proportions of genuine solvents and a wide range of effectiveness.

Application Note

RAVENOL Nitro-Universal-Verdünnung is used for thinning nitro, nitro-combination, chlorinated rubber, air-drying and oven-drying synthetic resin lacquers, as well as air- and oven-drying Zapon lacquers. Dissolves neoprene glue and removes its residues. Removes colour and grease stains (caution with synthetic fibres). Glues polystyrene and acrylic glass.

RAVENOL Nitro-Universal-Verdünnung can be added to most lacquers in unlimited quantities. Follow the instructions of the paint manufacturer. Consumption: Depending on the varnish and desired viscosity.

Storage: Cool, but frost-free. Close containers tightly.

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